How to plan a ride to Ladakh

'Ride to Ladakh', is that whats bugging your mind? After buying a 200+ cc motorcycle, it becomes a mecca dream for every rider. But how to plan the trip? What to bring along and what to avoid? Ride solo or go in a group? How to prepare your machine? Here is everything you need to know to take the bike ride of your dreams.

Although there are army camps in the case of emergency yet, solo riding is not advisable due its extreme terrain and unpredictable weather conditions. There are times when one may need oxygen cylinders at the 15,000 feet and above height. At such times its better to conduct an aided tour. There are many travel companies offering tours in Ladakh supporting riders through right information and resources in this remote region. Not only these agencies suggests the places of to visit & plan unique expedition based on personal interests and preferences, but also help in obtaining the permissions to visit few near boarder areas as Ladakh shares the border with China and Pakistan.

Be it riding solo or in pack, Ladakh offers small little surprises for everyone alike. Every place; be it white rann, beaches, lush green hills or the landscape of Ladakh, the nature has different facets of beauty. The shades of blues and greens varies and presents us with the memoirs of lifetime.

The idea is to step out of the mundane and explore the world through various adventure activities. Travel without prejudice is the mantra. Whatever comes on the way becomes the treat. Let the nomadic spirit be kept in focus while we raise our toast to travel and adventure.

As Miriam Beard said “Travel is more than the seeing of sights; its a change that goes on, deep and permanent, in the ideas of living.” 

How to plan a ride to Ladakh

Daily we follow our deadlines, make contacts and expand our businesses. In midst of this busy work schedules, arises the rudimentary need to widen the perspective of life, to expand our horizons and to take a break from our mundane routine, to relax!! Travel is the mean to break the monotony of the daily lives by reaching to the extremes of the outdoors, to see the unseen, or simply to have fun. Adventure is a great substitute for meditation and self-discovery, as it requires the harmony, concentration and balance of mind; be it treks, mountaineering, rappelling, sky diving or motorcycle rides. With an ambition to reach out to less explored spots, ride through untrodden paths getting introduced to wonderful cultures of the world one can try out the challenges offered by Mother Nature. And what better than spending few days in the legendary land of Ladakh!

Ladakh – the largest district in the country with its wide spread land throws surprises along the way as one travels from one terrain to another with its huge habitat of flora and fauna. Be it the serene waters of Tso Moriri & Pangong Tso or the wildlife of Changthang Valley, the Buddhist monasteries at Hemis & Thiskey or the colourful prayer flags tied on high passes; Ladakh has many tales to tell.

One can reach Leh- the capital of Ladakh through flight round the year however, and yet riders make the journey through roads. the roads opens only in month of May on Srinagar route. Generally its advisable to take route from Srinagar, as the advantage is that the body to adapt to heights as the climb is gradual via Srinagar, Zozila Pass, Drass, and Kargil to Leh. It can also be reached from Manali route which consists of many passes like Rohtang La, Baralacha La, Tanglang La. This route is comparatively tougher and thus very popular amongst those passionate motorcycle lovers who terms Ladakh as the mecca of all the riders and the completing the circuit of Manali-Leh-Srinagar as the pilgrimage ride.Bollywood films create a major boost on tourism sector of the places where it has been shot. We saw such a major boom that it has created in drawing more number of tourists to Ladakh – the second largest district of India in the state of Jammu & Kashmir. Known for its tranquil blue lakes and high mountains, Ladakh has seen major rise in riders wanting to go to Ladakh which is known for mecca in riding circuit. Whether its helping the locals or how locals are fighting to preserve the beauty without harming the beauty is debatable. However, lets learn about how to plan a ride to 2Ladakh.


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