O little one

Don't we all have a little bird inside us? Longing to fly away, longing to soar high, longing to touch that rainbow, longing to dance, to dream?

O little one with the feathers of freedom!
Spread your wings of hope..
And take a deep plunge
Into the limitless sky of joy!

Reach out for the altitude high,
And watch! How for you, the Earth and the Sun smile.
That rainbow reflects the light of your inner being;
The spectrum so vivid and colorful indeed!

Fly; far far away to the newer horizons..
Expand your reach..Discover newer realms.
Infect everything that you come across;
With the beautiful song of love.
Let your flight be full of adventure, surprises and stories.

On return, find me waiting for you at the gate,
And together we shall celebrate..
Staying up the whole night,
Dancing on memories and dreaming about your upcoming flights.
Now, let there be some rest for us –
You – The flier & Me – The Dreamer!!


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